Hem / Nyheter & Event / Teacher Meet: A European perspective on social entrepreneurship in schools (Bothnian Arc Cross-Border Entrepreneurship)
Teacher Meet: A European perspective on social entrepreneurship in schools

Teacher Meet: A European perspective on social entrepreneurship in schools (Bothnian Arc Cross-Border Entrepreneurship)

What are the newest trends in social entrepreneurship throughout Europe? How can we learn from each other and integrate those trends into the field of entrepreneurial education? Join this interactive session to get new perspectives, exchange experiences and learn new sustainable teaching models. 

The session is hosted by Hannah Wundsam, Managing Director of AustrianStartups, Austria's biggest start-up platform & think tank for entrepreneurship.

Please grab a cup of something and join us in learning new things and expanding your networks!

WHEN: Mar 24, 2021 09:00-10:30 AM Finnish time / 08:00-09:30 AM Swedish time
WHERE: Zoom (see meeting link below)
FOR WHOM: The session is for everyone interested in entrepreneurship education and social entrepreneurship, who wants to expand their networks in the field of education
LANGUAGE: The session's language is English


Bothnian Arc Team is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: [Bothnian Arc] Teacher Meets: Social Entrepreneurship
Time: Mar 24, 2021 09:00-10:30 AM Finnish time / 08:00-09:30 AM Swedish time

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Meeting ID: 838 7657 4180
Passcode: 082213

ps. Our fourth Teacher Meets is on 15.4.2021 at 09:00 - 10:30 (EET, Finnish time) 08:00 - 09:30 (CET, Swedish time). Please Save the date!

Teacher Meets are virtual networking events organized by the Bothnian Arc -project. The aim of the project is to develop cross-border co-operation in entrepreneurship education in the Gulf of Bothnia region. In the project's activities, students’ knowledge of the region's business life will increase, and they will be given the skills to both work and set up companies across borders. In addition to teaching entrepreneurship, the idea is to get young people involved in cross-border co-operation at school, which in the long run will lead to increased job mobility in the region. This project is made possible by financial support from Interreg Nord and Region Norrbotten. 

Logo City of Oulu, Ung Företagsamhet, Interreg Nord, Region Norrbotten

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