Aurora Entrepreneurialis Teacher Training

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About the Teacher Training Course

Welcome to the Aurora Entrepreneurialis Teacher Training Course! This course is for teachers, educators, youth workers and likeminded people who are interested in entrepreneurship education. The course is focused on three key themes: entrepreneurial culture in schools, sustainable entrepreneurship in education, and cross-border collaboration.

The course is organised by Aurora Entrepreneurialis and consists of 12 sessions, each session containing recorded lectures with experts, followed by digital seminars. Sometimes there will be some additional materials, like articles or additional videos to watch. You can take part in one, a few, or all seminars. The video lectures will be avaliable also after the seminar.  

The course uses a flipped-classroom style of learning, with an interactive seminar. Therefore, it is very important that you watch or listen to the lectures before the seminar. We will provide the lectures well in advance so that you will have time to fit it into your schedules.If the seminar has already taken part, you can still watch the lectures and do the assignment. 

We hope that the course will bring you all a lot of new ideas, inspiration, and practical advice! If you have any questions, requests, or suggestions for future speakers, feel free to get in touch.

Schedule 2025

Session 9: Thinking inside the box – challenges and opportunities of learning with social entrepreneurs / Jessica Lindbergh  Anna Wettermark, Stockholm Business School

17/2/2025, 13:30 – 14:30 CEST Sweden, 14:30 – 15:30 EEST Finland

Both entrepreneurship education and sustainability require teachers and students to think in new, sometimes quite radical, ways. However, it is not always easy to get people to question their assumptions and change their mindsets. Jessica and Anna will share their experiences from working with a course in which university students collaborated with several different social enterprises, and the challenges and opportunities they encountered while working to help their students be open to new ways of thinking. The seminar will be focused on sharing experiences of getting students, colleagues - and sometimes maybe oneself - to approach things in new ways. Jessica Lindbergh and Anna Wettermark are lecturers at the Stockholm Business School.

More information
Video lecture
Pre-assignment Questions
Extra materials (Video interview with the social entrepreneurs)

There are more seminars in the works for 2025. Dates, lecturers and themes to be announced...  

Schedule 2024

Session 6: Sustainabilisation – the importance of sustainable entrepreneurship / Mikael Botnen Diamant

2/9/2024, 13:30 – 14:30 CEST Sweden, 14:30 – 15:30 EEST Finland

Mikael Botnen Diamant is a sustainability expert, author, and educator. He has previous experience working with Sida (the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency) and the Red Cross. In 2015, Mikael participated as an expert in the negotiations at the UN building in New York that led to Agenda 2030 and the Global Goals for Sustainable Development. The theme of Mikael's lecture is 'sustainabilisation' - a societal transformation as profound as urbanisation, globalisation, and digitalisation. Why are sustainability and sustainable entrepreneurship important for companies and organisations, and why are these important themes for teachers and students to work with? The focus of the seminar will be on practical application of these lessons in the classroom.

Session 7: Social Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Solutions: Methodology on how to educate future impact entrepreneurs / Anzelika Krastina, Lapland University of Applied Sciences

13/11/2024, 13:30 – 14:30 CET Sweden, 14:30 – 15:30 EET Finland

Anzelika Krastina is a senior lecturer and project manager at the Northern Well-Being and Services Expertise Unit at Lapland University of Applied Sciences. Anzelika has been working with entrepreneurship education, particularly focused on social and sustainable entrepreneurship. Her session will be focused on social entrepreneurship, what challenges and opportunities that social entrepreneurship brings, and what lessons can be learned for entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial education. The seminar will focus on how to apply the lessons in practice.

Session 8: Tools for entrepreneurship education / Eemeli Alanne, City of Oulu 

9/12/2024, 13:30 – 14:30 CET Sweden, 14:30 – 15:30 EET Finland 

In his seminar, Eemeli Alanne delves into practical tools and methods for entrepreneurship education which can be seamlessly integrated into various subjects. Eemeli knows what he's talking about, as he has years of experience in the practical implementation of entrepreneurship education as well as in strategic development work in the City of Oulu, at Nuori Yrittäjyys ry, and at The Children and Youth Foundation. Eemeli has played a key role in creating the new entrepreneurship education strategy for North Ostrobothnia, he is one of the pioneers of the "Työn Taitajat" (Masters of Work) program, and he has also been involved in launching the North Ostrobothnia entrepreneurship education network, Pyrytys.

Schedule 2023/2024

Session 1: Critic, Mindset, Entrecomp & Greencomp / Mats Westerberg, LTU

9/10/2023, 13:30 – 14:30 CEST Sweden, 14:30 – 15:30 EEST Finland

Mats Westerberg is a professor of entrepreneurship and innovation at Luleå technical university. The focus of the seminar will be on how to apply the frameworks in practice in the classroom. 

Session 2: Future skills and working life / Perttu Pölönen

13.11.2023, 08:15 – 09:15 CET Sweden, 09:15 – 10:15 EET Finland

Perttu Pölönen is a futurist, an inventor and an author. He has studied future technologies at Singularity University in Silicon Valley, co-founded a company focused on educational technology in Myanmar, written two books and won EU’s biggest science competition for youth. Here, Perttu proposes a future curriculum. What skills will be needed both in life and in the labour markets of the future?

The focus of the seminar will be to consider how these future skills could be taken into account in teaching.

Session 3: Sustainable entrepreneurship from an educational perspective / Ulrika Persson-Fischier, Uppsala University

24/1 2024 13:30 – 14:30 CET Sweden, 14:30 – 15:30 EET Finland

Ulrika Persson-Fischier is a researcher and teacher at Uppsala University. She is interested in how entrepreneurial competencies can help find solutions for wicked sustainability challenges.

Session 4: Social media and digitalisation in entrepreneurship / Perttu Pölönen

1/3 2024, 08:15 – 09:15 CET Sweden, 09:15 – 10:15 EET Finland

Perttu Pölönen is a futurist, inventor and author. In his second lecture during this seminar series, Perttu discusses social media and digitalisation in entrepreneurship. How does social media affect us and how can we use these technologies in good ways? The focus of the seminar will be to consider how these lessons can be applied in practice. 

Session 5: STEAM pedagogy and ToolCamp method in entrepreneurship education / Maikki Manninen & Paula Vorne

25/4 2024, 08:15 – 09:15 CEST Sweden, 09:15 – 10:15 EEST Finland

Maikki Manninen & Paula Vorne lead the STEAM in Oulu programme, organize different kind of design sprints and activities for students and work with local schools to develop their STEAM pedagogy.


If you wish to join the course or individual seminars, please sign up here:

Aurora Entrepreneurialis is run by City of Oulu, Ung Företagsamhet Norrbotten and Lappia, it is financed by Interreg Aurora, Region Norrbotten and Lapin Liitto

You can find us on Youtube and on Instagram.

For more information about the project, contact Linda Strandenhed, or at +4670 724 74 44

Aurora Entrepreneurialis - partners and funders logo


Linda Strandenhed
Projektledare, Norrbotten
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Interreg Aurora Entrepreneurialis