Hem / Nyheter & Event / Norrbotten / Seminar 5: STEAM Pedagogy & Toolcamp method in entrepreneurship education with Maikki Manninen & Paula Vorne
STEAM & Tool Camp

Seminar 5: STEAM Pedagogy & Toolcamp method in entrepreneurship education with Maikki Manninen & Paula Vorne

Welcome to the fifth session of the Aurora Entrepreneurialis Teacher Training Course! This course is for teachers, educators, youth workers and likeminded people who are interested in entrepreneurship education. The course is focused on three key themes: 1) entrepreneurial culture in schools, 2) sustainable entrepreneurship in education, and 3) cross-border collaboration.

Session 5: STEAM Pedagogy & Toolcamp method in entrepreneurship education / Maikki Manninen & Paula Vorne

25/4 2024, 08:15 – 09:15 CEST Sweden, 09:15 – 10:15 EEST Finland 

Maikki Manninen & Paula Vorne lead the STEAM in Oulu programme, organize different kind of design sprints and activities for students and work with local schools to develop their STEAM pedagogy.

The focus of the seminar will be on how these lessons can be applied in practice.

Each session will have some recorded materials to watch or listen to, a pre-assignment and an interactive seminar. We are using a flipped-classroom style of learning, with an interactive seminar. It is therefore very important that you watch or listen to the lectures before the seminar.

Video lecture

English lecture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAWn-mv17y0&t
Swedish lecture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSqLcEpf7x4
Finnsh lecture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ri5cUm9sw1o

The pre-assignment for this session is a quiz that you should complete after having watched the lectures. We will give out certificates to everyone who has taken part in the course, and we will determine who has taken part in each session based on who have watched the videos and completed the pre-assignment.
Take the quiz here.

If you wish to join the seminar (or some of the other seminars during the course), please join the mailing list here: https://forms.office.com/e/4hrYZXcv9F

You can find more information about upcoming seminars here. Aurora Entrepreneurialis is organized by Ung Företagsamhet Norrbotten, City of Oulu and Lappia. The project is financed by Interreg Aurora, Region Norrbotten and Lapin Liitto.

Join the mailing list and attend the seminar.
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