The Aurora Entrepreneurialis teacher training course starts with Mats Westerberg from Luleå Technical University
The course is organised by Aurora Entrepreneurialis and consists of 12 sessions, each session containing recorded lectures with experts, followed by digital seminars. Sometimes there will be some additional materials, like articles or additional videos to watch. You can join the whole course or take part in one or a few seminars.
The first interactive seminar will be on 9th October at 13:30-14:30 CEST (14:30-15:30 EEST) with Mats Westerberg from Luleå Technical University, who focuses on entrepreneurial competencies. He will be introducing the EntreComp and GreenComp frameworks as well as CRITIC (Courage, Responsibility, Initiative, Tolerance for Ambiguity, Interactivity and ability to cooperate, and Creativity). The seminar will be about how to apply and include entrepreneurial competencies in everyday learning activities in the classroom.
The course uses a flipped-classroom style of learning, with an interactive seminar. Therefore, it is very important that you watch or listen to the lectures before the seminar. We will provide the lectures well in advance so that you will have time to fit it into your schedules.
We hope that the course will bring you all a lot of new ideas, inspiration, and practical advice! If you have any questions, requests, or suggestions for future speakers, feel free to get in touch.
Schedule 2023/2024
Session 1: Critic, Mindset, Entrecomp & Greencomp / Mats Westerberg, LTU
9/10/2023, 13:30 – 14:30 CEST Sweden, 14:30 – 15:30 EEST Finland
Mats Westerberg is a professor of entrepreneurship and innovation at Luleå technical university. The focus of the seminar will be on how to apply the frameworks in practice in the classroom. More information here.
Session 2: Future skills and working life / Perttu Pölönen
13/11 2023, 08:15 – 09:15 CET Sweden, 09:15 – 10:15 EET Finland
Perttu Pölönen is a futurist, an inventor and an author. He has studied future technologies at Singularity University in Silicon Valley, co-founded a company focused on educational technology in Myanmar, written two books and won EU’s biggest science competition for youth. Here, Perttu proposes a future curriculum. What skills will be needed both in life and in the labour markets of the future?
The focus of the seminar will be to consider how these future skills could be taken into account in teaching.
Session 3: Sustainable entrepreneurship from an educational perspective / Ulrika Persson-Fischier, Uppsala University
24/1 2024 13:30 – 14:30 CET Sweden, 14:30 – 15:30 EET Finland
Ulrika Persson-Fischier is a researcher and teacher at Uppsala University. She is interested in how entrepreneurial competencies can help find solutions for wicked sustainability challenges.
Session 4: Social media and digitalization in entrepreneurship / Perttu Pölönen
1/3 2024, 08:15 – 09:15 CET Sweden, 09:15 – 10:15 EET Finland
Perttu Pölönen is a futurist, inventor and author. https://www.perttupolonen.com/
Session 5: STEAM pedagogy and ToolCamp method in entrepreneurship education / Maikki Manninen & Paula Vorne
25/4 2024, 08:15 – 09:15 CEST Sweden, 09:15 – 10:15 EEST Finland
Maikki Manninen & Paula Vorne lead the STEAM in Oulu programme, organize different kind of design sprints and activities for students and work with local schools to develop their STEAM pedagogy.
If you wish to join the course or individual seminars, please join the mailing list here: https://forms.office.com/e/4hrYZXcv9F
Aurora Entrepreneurialis is financed by Interreg Aurora, Region Norrbotten and Lapin Liitto.